Make A NFT
We make & manage web3 assets
NFT Resources
Information for a solid base of non-fungible token knowledge

Do you know about these websites? They are just a few of the many sites you should know about before making NFTs.

The NFT Bible by Openseas.io Openseasio/nftbible
The Non-Fungible Token Bible: Everything you need to know about NFTs from the world's first & largest NFT marketplace - Openseas.io

Coinbase & Coinbase Pro https://www.coinbase.com
If you are going to make NFTs you are going to need crypto currency. Coinbase and their Trading platform Coinbase Pro, are the easiest ways through which we have purchased our crypto.

Meta Mask https://metamask.io/
Once you have purchased your crypto you are going to need a hot wallet. One of the most popular ethereum based wallets is meta mask. It will be also used to connect to many of the non-fungible token minting sites.

Ledger https://www.ledger.com
After you purchase your crypto It's time to keep it safe. There is not currently a safer way to store your crypto then a cold wallet. While there are other cold wallet options we use Ledgers. *sidenote: When purchasing a cold wallet go directly to the source not to 2nd party sellers.

Decrypt https://decrypt.co
Honestly one of the best 'all things crypto' news sites. The Decrypt Daily is a must by Matthew Diemer. You can find the podcast on all the major platforms.

ETH Gas Station https://ethgasstation.info
Once you have purchased you crypto and before you send your ETH. Always check your gas fees. It can change the cost of your NFT by a lot. If you have your target gas fee set to low through your hot wallet your transaction can fail and you can still get charged a fee.

Etherscan https://etherscan.io
So you moved your crypto. Do you want to see where it is on the
blockchain? This is the ETH blockchain scanner, but each blockchain has there own scanner. It is very important to get familiar with blockchain scanners. If you ever can't find your transaction, start here.

Telegram https://telegram.org
Like Discord, Telegram is another great way to find support while making non-fungible tokens. Throw in Reddit and Twitter and you should be able to get the information you are seeking.